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Scan Websites for Vulnerabilities with Arachni


Arachni is a tool that allows you to assess the security of web applications. In less simple terms, Arachni is a high-performance, modular, Open Source Web Application Security Scanner Framework.

It is a system which started out as an educational exercise and as a way to perform specific security tests against a web application in order to identify, classify and log issues of security interest. It has now evolved into an infrastructure which can reliably perform any sort of WebApp related security audit and general data scraping.

Requirement: Windows 10 and Power Shell

STEP 1: Download

STEP 2: Extract

Extract and navigate to the bin folder inside Arachni folder

STEP 3: Fire-up the web interface by executing the following command


It will start the local server, copy the link and open it in any browser:

STEP 3: Start a scan

Set the target url and start the scan

STEP 4: Reporting

Download the report in multiple formats from the download section


Arachni has over 40 audit (active) and recon (passive) modules which identify and log entities of security and informational interest. These entities range from serious vulnerabilities (code injection, XSS, SQL injection and many more) to simple data scrapping (e-mail addresses, client-side code comments, etc.).

An XSS module would be an audit module because it needs to send input to the web application and evaluate the output.

A module that looks for common directories, like “admin”, is a recon module because it does not interact with the web application. The same applies for a module that scans the web application’s pages for visible e-mail addresses.The difference between the two types is purely behavioral, technically they are the same and they share the same API.A full list of modules can be found at:


Arachni offers plug-ins to help automate several tasks ranging from logging-in to a web application to performing high-level meta-analysis by cross-referencing scan results with a large number of environmental data.Via the framework they have access to all Arachni subsystems and can alter or extend Arachni’s behavior on the fly.Plug-ins run in parallel to the framework and are executed right before the scan process starts.

A full list of plug-ins can be found at:

Reviews and Comments will be appreciated. Thanks ☺


  1. Very useful. Thank you for providing such a great information.

  2. i'm using OWASP ZAP for the same.
    so which one is more reliable in terms of performance?

    1. Both are good, but the chances of getting false positive is less in arachni


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